Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana - Simionato, Lo Forese, D'Orazi, Pini, Di Stasio; Morelli. Tokyo, 1961


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Listening to this performance, which she sang already in her fifties, I couldn't help wonder if there is some correlation between physical and vocal longevity.  At an age where most sopranos shy away from high Cs, Simionato as a mezzo almost refuses to get off of it.   That is one example of the many vocal fireworks that go off in this performance.  But behind those displays there is always a deep understanding of the character, and she stays far away from the Verismatic vulgarity into which many of her colleagues would often descend.  Angelo Lo Forese is good as Turridu, as is Attilio D'Orazi as Alfio, but they are both eclipsed by Simionato.  The sound is very good.

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