Berlioz: Les Troyens - Chauvet, Lear, Schröter, Massard, Bastin, Macurdy; Nelson. Genève, 1974


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Although this performance from Geneva of Les Troyens is far from complete, the musical team found a good balance in presenting Berlioz vision without amputating too many limbs or inflicting music written for an audience who whose attention would have been competing with business deals, amorous encounters and, of course, sherbet. Guy Chauvet makes a very convincing Enéee coping admirably with the stratospheric tessitura (complete with high C in the Act V aria) all while conveying the character’s bravado. From his first entrance in the “Carthage” portion of the opera (“Reine, je suis Enée”) it is completely clear why Didon would fall completely in love with him. Evelyn Lear offers a regal yet delicate account of Didon’s plight. Gisela Schröter’s Cassandra is less impressive. There are some fine performances from John Macurdy as Narbal and Jules Bastin as Panthée. The sound is very good.

OD 11346-3